Some folks in my world seem to think that the recent uproar over Lauren Boebert’s often-repeated racist joke about Representative Ilhan Omar is much ado about nothing. I think that means they’re part of the problem. To clarify that, here’s her joke in its original form, and then it is retold a few times with slight variations on the theme.
I hope this helps. Lord knows we need it.
1. Original Material:
Boebert: “So, the other night on the House Floor, I had my first Jihad Squad moment. I was getting into an elevator with one of my staffers. And he and I, we’re leaving the Capitol and going back to my office, and we get into the elevator, and I see a Capitol police officer running, hurriedly to the elevator. I see sweat all over his face, and he’s reaching, and I’m like, “What!?”
The door is shutting, and I can’t open it. What’s happening???
Then I look to my left, and there she is — Ilhan Omar. And I said, “Well, she doesn’t have a backpack. We should be fine.”
*crowd chuckles
And I said, “Look, the Jihad Squad decided to show up for work today.”
*crowd erupts in laughter and applause.
Ba-dum-dum. Chissssss.
2. Boebert on Jews:
Boebert: “So, the other night on the House Floor, I had my first Dirty Jew Shekel Squad moment. I was getting into an elevator with one of my staffers. And he and I, we’re leaving the Capitol and going back to my office, and we get into the elevator, and I see a Capitol police officer running, hurriedly to the elevator. I see sweat all over his face, and he’s reaching, and I’m like, “What!?”
The door is shutting, and I can’t open it. What’s happening???
Then I look to my left, and there he is — Jamie Raskin. And I said, “Well, I don’t have my wallet with me. We should be fine.”
*crowd chuckles
And I said, “Look, the Dirty Jew Shekel Squad decided to show up for work today.”
*crowd erupts in laughter and applause.
Ba-dum-dum. Chissssss.
3. Boebert on Homosexuals:
Boebert: “So, the other night on the House Floor, I had my first Sodomite Squad moment. I was getting into an elevator with one of my staffers. And he and I, we’re leaving the Capitol and going back to my office, and we get into the elevator, and I see a Capitol police officer running, hurriedly to the elevator. I see sweat all over his face, and he’s reaching, and I’m like: “What!?”
The door is shutting, and I can’t open it. What’s happening???
Then I look to my left, and there he is — Sean Patrick Maloney. And I said, “Well, just don’t drop anything. You should be fine.”
*crowd chuckles
And I said, “Look, the Dirty Faggot Sodomite Squad decided to show up for work today.”
*crowd erupts in laughter and applause.
Ba-dum-dum. Chissssss.
3. Boebert on African American Men:
Boebert: “So, the other night on the House Floor, I had my first Black Mau-Mau Squad moment. I was getting into an elevator with one of my staffers. And he and I, we’re leaving the Capitol and going back to my office, and we get into the elevator, and I see a Capitol police officer running, hurriedly to the elevator. I see sweat all over his face, and he’s reaching, and I’m like: “What!?”
The door is shutting, and I can’t open it. What’s happening???
Then I look to my left, and there he is — Jim Clyburn. And I said, “Well, he’s probably too old to rape any more white women. We should be fine.”
*crowd chuckles
And I said, “Look, the Black Mau-Mau Squad decided to show up for work today.”
*crowd erupts in laughter and applause.
Ba-dum-dum. Chissssss.
— —
Look: It’s pretty fucking simple — if you refuse to condemn Lauren Boebert, you wear all of this sin. If you don’t demand she be punished for her racist bullshit, you are part of the problem. If you don’t defend your Muslim brothers and sisters now, you are part of the problem. If these examples of “humor” shock you — but you are willing to give Boebert’s original language a pass, then you are part of the problem.
Check. Your. Damn. Head.
Enough of this sickness. Enough.
There was a time, not so long ago, when comments like these would have gotten her expelled from Congress, end of discussion. Sadly, that is no longer the case. In fact, she will probably be re-elected next year.
The coarsening of discourse in Norteamerica these days is, indeed, disgusting, and I am becoming increasingly skeptical that it can be refined again. The best I can do, I'm afraid, is not engage in like-minded speech and try to persuade others to forego such speech as well. Maybe refusing to be part of the problem will spread and civility will return to our political discourse. I'm not hopeful, though.
Good post.